Dentistry For Children
Help Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Oral health is important for children of all ages. While it’s important for your children to learn how to take care of their teeth at home early on, they should also see a dentist to ensure there are no developmental issues. Dentistry for children, also known as pediatric dentistry, assesses teeth from infancy to adolescence.

Even though baby teeth don’t last, it’s still important to care for them to ensure there are no underlying issues, and for your child to learn how to properly care for their teeth from an early age.

What Can I Expect During My Child’s Visit?

It may be a little nerve-wracking to send your child to the dentist, especially if they are young or it’s their first visit. However, knowing what to expect can help alleviate some of the worries and help prepare your child in advance.

Dr. Sarah will check your child’s teeth for tooth growth, placement, and cavities. She will ensure there are no abnormal developments. She will also check your child’s bite and determine whether there are any crossbites or jaw growth patterns that may necessitate preliminary treatment. A dental cleaning/polish will be completed to remove any plaque, stain or tartar. X-rays help the Dr. detect cavities and track development. Fluoride treatment using a brush-on varnish is recommended at the end of the appointment. Young children, under age 3, often only need a lap exam.

If your child is nervous, you can talk them through the process along with Dr. Sarah by letting them know the steps she’ll take as she conducts them. Magnolia Dental Care uses the “Tell, Show, Do” method with children so they feel comfortable with each step of the appointment. Speak with Dr. Sarah in advance if your child gets nervous so she can help them feel at ease.

How to Care For Your Child’s Teeth

Dr. Sarah Latterell will provide helpful tips for how you and your child can take care of their teeth to maintain good oral health at home.

It’s important to care for your child’s teeth whether they are still baby teeth or adult teeth. Dr. Sarah recommends using a soft bristle brush as children’s teeth can be more sensitive. Brush both in the morning and at bedtime to avoid the buildup of bacteria. A pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste is recommended once children are old enough to spit it out. Kids floss picks can help prevent cavities between tight baby teeth. You can create fun ways to engage your child with teeth brushing, such as sand timers and songs, so it becomes something they look forward to.

Book your appointment today

You can take your child to the dentist as soon as their first teeth appear. So, book your appointment with Dr. Sarah Latterell today!